Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Manage your money!

DAMN! At this moment, I have nothing but supreme disgust for Bank of America. I know I know, how unpatriotic of me, but for a bank that just spent $50 BILLION (!) dollars to buy Merryl Lynch I would assume they aren't hurting enough to take me to the cleaners.

I withdrew $40 from my ATM, not knowing all my billpays had just been sent out (my fault, I know), so my account ended up being overdrawn by about $6. Now, the ATM I hit was not an official one, so they charged me a small fee. Apparently BoA also charges a small fee every time I use another ATM.

So, the forty bones I grabbed, now cost me $44. I am ok with that I guess - the charge for fat lazy American convenience. Now here is the kicker, they charged me $35 per instance, which means once for the withdrawal and once for each fee. This means that the bloodsuckers charged me $109 just to pull out a forty spot. Shortly the manager of the nearest BoA has a little hell to deal with and a bag of dicks to eat.

Now there is a lesson to learn with this - LOSE YOUR ATM CARD! If you are trying to simplify your life, and operate on the cheap then use only cash. Starting this morning I am journaling all of my expenses and subtracting them from my total cash stockpile, which as soon as the BS BoA account is canceled will reside under my bed.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Let's start with this blog off with little math then eh? Because you know that traveling naked and solving mildly complex equations go hand in hand.

40 x 50 x 8760 = 1,7520,000

OK - that is a large number totally out of context then isn't it? Well let's put it in a better perspective - that is how many hours THE MAN wants you to work before you can retire and be free. YOU ARE DOOMED!

Looking back at that entirely train of thought section above I realize that those numbers are totally wrong and slightly arbitrary, but they were meant to scare you and I hope they succeeded. This is a blog that wants to jar you loose from the confines of traditional employment and the uniquely American vision that you are what you do.

Now of course for those of you who actually do love what you do, all 3 of you, consider yourself lucky and do your best not to rub it anyone's face. As for the majority of society, there is seemingly no escape from the daily grind. Well, may this space on the web remind you that you are not what you do - and you are free at any time to step off the grid, declare your freedom, and enjoy the hell out of life!

I guess I have yet to really say what this here blog is about so here we go. Like most, I managed to work myself into a frenzy for years, dreaming of trips I would one day take and what life would be like without the commute, the long hours, and all things that come with being "gainfully" employed. Well, now I have given up the day job and have found myself chock full of life's most precious commodity, TIME. Yet, I have a goal to travel, and have a certain big trip in mind. Now, all the time in the world won't buy me a plane ticket or put me up in a hostel.

Dreading going back to work, even if it was only to save money for travel - I concocted a little plan that would allow me to have just as much as fun as if I were traveling (which is really a state of mind really, no matter where you are) and make money. I have decided to pick up a random assortment of odd jobs and gigs - one a week - that will allow me to save up a pile and get out of town! So, here on this blog you will find stories from my "anti-employment" misadventures, random craigslist postings, and hopefully a little inspiration for yourself to break out of the confines of the working world.